Jim'll Fix It Soap

Now this takes me back. If I close my eyes I can still see that poor, daft scout troop eating their packed lunch on the rollercoaster. I wonder what happened to that chubby boy with the really disastrous bottle of milk? If you know what I'm talking about, perhaps you too wrote into Jim'll Fix It, hoping to do something weird and adventurous. I think my request was something to do with tobogganing...

Suffice it to say, Jim didn't Fix It for me, but the Jim'll Fix It Badge is still guaranteed to make me smile. This one looks just like the original ones and is even authorised by the great Sir Jimmy Savile himself. Ok, so it's actually a bar of soap, but we can still wear it with pride before washing away the day's grime.

And you know what you'll be humming in the shower... 'Your letter was only the start of it, one letter and now you're a part of it...'

Jim'll Fix It Soap - £7.99 from ShinyShack.com

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