Fashion Citation Pad

We all know someone who believes that their contribution to society is ensuring taste and style rule unchallenged and sartorial elegance is achieved wherever possible. This generally takes the form of a scathing critique of the outfit of anyone within range with special lists compiled of particularly bad fashion crimes.

To make life easier for these critical individuals, why not present them with a Fashion Citation Pad? This allows them to easily tick off truly awful fashion infringements and present the completed form to the hapless criminal. As the pad says It's Better That You Know.

Ranging from the fairly harmless: Excessive Denim to the truly damning: Camel Toe or Inappropriate Bulge(s) the pad is guaranteed to maximise chagrin on the part of the fashion criminal while requiring minimal effort on behalf of the fashion police. Keep up the good work girls.

Fashion Citation Pad - £3.99 from

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