Bug Catcher

It's safe to say I'm not a fan of spiders. I generally try to cultivate a live-and-let-live attitude to the fellow creatures on the planet, but I've got something of a bigotted, knee-jerk reaction when it comes to spiders.

Firstly, little ones are not a problem. Money spiders, and even ones a bit bigger are fine, I can pick them up in my hand and put them outside. I'm not even that bothered about the ones with the long thin spindly legs, although I'd always use a cup to move them. It's those big black ones that can move like lightning that bother me.

My home has beams and high ceilings. This is spider paradise and I'm ashamed to say there have been times when I've resorted to an extra long extension on the hoover tube to get shot of creepy things in the rafters.

The Bug Catcher has allowed me to ease my conscience a little. It allows me to suck up creepy crawlies into a special little chamber, then empty them undamaged outside. It isn't big enough to do the real monster spiders, but to be honest, I struggle to get within a few metres of them anyway. At least this way some of the littlies get to grow into biggies in the great outdoors.

Bug Catcher - £11.99 from ShinyShack.com

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